What A Time To Be A Writer

Anthony Boyd
2 min readAug 28, 2020

I’m too young to imagine any scenario other than clicking “submit” on any of my 4 Apple devices.

I was laying up in my bed a few minutes ago reading some Charles Bukowski when it dawned on me that, back in the day, writers had to physically submit their work to publications and stuff.

How inconvenient.

I think they had to mail it in, submit it by hand or something like that.

Here’s the excerpt that made me think about how good we have it:

“A weekly entertainment newspaper published in California at that time had asked me to write an article on the life of the writer in Los Angeles. I had written it and was driving over to the editorial offices to submit it. We parked in the lot at Mosley Square. Mosley Square was a section of expensive bungalows used as offices by music publishers, agents, promoters and the like. The rents were very high.” — Women, Charles Bukowski

I’m too young to imagine any scenario other than clicking “submit” on any of my 4 Apple devices.

And another thing — typewriters. I had to do some googles to figure out what they did when they made a boo-boo.

I came across some forum that said they had a “smudge” key? In that same post they said they used “white-out?” What?

And here we are our plethora of tools and our delete buttons.

It’s amazing.



Anthony Boyd

A unique perspective of leadership & personal development through the pen of a former union steward. |byanthonyboyd.com